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    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Cation Exchange Capacity (Cmol/kg): It is a is a measure of the soil’s ability to hold positively charged ions. It is a very important soil property influencing soil structure stability, nutrient availability, soil pH and the soil’s reaction to fertilisers and other ameliorants. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands...
    Created December 9, 2023 Updated September 16, 2024
  • Calcium Saturation N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Calcium Saturation (%): Secondary macronutrient that aids in the growth and development of cell walls. It’s also helpful in cell metabolism and the uptake of nitrate. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine learning models.
    Created December 9, 2023 Updated September 16, 2024
  • Extractable Boron N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Extractable Boron (mg/kg): Essential micronutrient that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates in plants. It’s critical for new growth and assists in pollination, fertilization and more. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine learning models.
    Created December 9, 2023 Updated September 11, 2024
  • Extractable Copper N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Extractable Copper (mg/kg): Essential micronutrient that activates enzymes in plants. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine learning models.
    Created December 9, 2023 Updated September 11, 2024
  • Extractable Iron N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Extractable Iron (mg/kg): Essential micronutrient that required for formation of chlorophyll in plants. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine learning models.
    Created December 9, 2023 Updated September 11, 2024
  • Magnesium Saturation N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Magnesium Saturation (%): Secondary macronutrient that contributes to the green coloration of the plants. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine learning models.
    Created December 9, 2023 Updated September 11, 2024
  • Total Nitrogen N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Total Nitrogen (%): Primary macronutrient that helps foliage to grow strong, affects the plant’s leaf development. It also gives plants their green color due to its assistance with chlorophyll production. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine learning...
    Created December 9, 2023 Updated September 11, 2024
  • Exchangeable Potassium N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Exchangeable Potassium (mg/kg): Primary macronutrient that strengthens plants, helps contribute to early growth and assists the plants in retaining water. It also keeps the plants from contracting diseases and insects. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine...
    Created December 9, 2023 Updated September 11, 2024
  • Soil pH N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Soil pH: is the measure of soil acidity or alkalinity, specifically it is the inverse log of the Hydrogen ion concentration. The pH ranges from 0 (extremely acid) to 14 (extremely alkaline) with 7 being neutral. Soil pH map generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine...
    Created December 9, 2023 Updated September 11, 2024
  • Available Sulfur N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Available Sulfur (mg/kg): Secondary macronutrient that helps form and grow seeds. It also aids in the production of amino acids, proteins, enzymes and vitamins. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine learning models.
    Created April 3, 2024 Updated September 11, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Effective cation exchange capacity - ISRIC N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Capacity of the fine earth fraction* to hold exchangeable cations at the pH of the soil (ECEC). Conventionally approximated by summation of exchangeable bases (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+) plus 1 N KCl exchangeable acidity (Al3+ and H+) in acidic soils (cmol(c)/kg). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Clay total N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Gravimetric content of less than X mm soil material in the fine earth fraction* (e.g. X = 0.002 mm as specified in the analytical method description) (g/100g). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Bulk density fine earth - air dry N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Bulk density of the fine earth fraction*, air dried (kg/dm³). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Silt total N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    X to Y mm fraction of the fine earth fraction*; Y as specified in the analytical method description (e.g. Y = 0.05 mm) (g/100g). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Phosphorus (P) - Olsen N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Measured according to the P-Olsen method: 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) solution at a pH of 8.5 to extract P from calcareous, alkaline, and neutral soils (mg/kg). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Water retention gravimetric - 100 kPa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Soil moisture content by weight, at tension 100 kPa (pF 3.0) (g/100g). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Water retention volumetric - 100 kPa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Soil moisture content by volume, at tension 100 kPa (pF 3.0) (cm³/100cm³). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) version 2.0 N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    The Harmonized World Soil Database version 2.0 (HWSD v2.0) is a unique global soil inventory providing information on the morphological, chemical and physical properties of soils at approximately 1 km resolution. Its main objective is to serve as a basis for prospective studies on agro-ecological zoning, food security and climate change. The Harmonized...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • Soil and Terrain Database for Southern Africa (SOTERSAF) N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    The Soil and Terrain database for Southern Africa (SOTERSAF version 1.0), at scale 1:2 million, include the spatial and soil attribute data for 8 Southern African countries. The SOTERSAF database was compiled using the existing soil information and following the SOTER methodology of the 1:1 million scale with respect to pedon attribute data storage. The...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Bulk density whole soil - oven dry N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Bulk density of the whole soil including coarse fragments, oven dry (kg/dm³). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024