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  • WoSIS latest - Water retention gravimetric - 10 kPa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Soil moisture content by weight, at tension 10 kPa (pF 2.0) (g/100g). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Total nitrogen (N) N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    The sum of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (ammonia, organic and reduced nitrogen) and nitrate-nitrite (g/kg). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Organic carbon N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Gravimetric content of organic carbon in the fine earth fraction* (g/kg). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Bulk density whole soil - 33 kPa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Bulk density of the whole soil including coarse fragments, equilibrated at 33 kPa (kg/dm³). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Water retention volumetric - 10 kPa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Soil moisture content by volume, at tension 10 kPa (pF 2.0) (cm³/100cm³). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Profiles N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Provides key information for all profiles (or point data) in WoSIS latest, including soil classification according to specified edition (year) of the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB, up to qualifier level); FAO-Unesco Legend (up to soil unit level); USDA Soil Taxonomy (up to subgroup level). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Water retention gravimetric - 1500 kPa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Soil moisture content by weight, at tension 1500 kPa (pF 4.2) (g/100g). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Water retention gravimetric - 6 kPa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Soil moisture content by weight, at tension 6 kPa (pF 1.8) (g/100g). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • Africa SoilGrids nutrients - Nutrient clusters based on fuzzy k-means N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Nutrient clusters based on fuzzy k-means of the soil fine earth fraction and spatially predicted at 250 m spatial resolution across sub-Saharan Africa using Machine Learning (ensemble between random forest and gradient boosting) using soil data from the Africa Soil Profiles database (AfSP) compiled by AfSIS and recent soil data newly collected by AfSIS in...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Total carbon (C) N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Gravimetric content of organic carbon and inorganic carbon in the fine earth fraction* (g/kg). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Calcium carbonate equivalent total N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    The content of carbonate in a liming material or calcareous soil calculated as if all of the carbonate is in the form of CaCO3 (in the fine earth fraction*); also known as inorganic carbon (g/kg). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Phosphorus (P) - Mehlich 3 N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Measured according to the Mehlich-3 extractant, a combination of acids (acetic [HOAc] and nitric [HNO3]), salts (ammonium fluoride [NH4F] and ammonium nitrate [NH4 NO3]), and the chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); considered suitable for removing P and other elements in acid and neutral soils (mg/kg). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - pH CaCl2 N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    A measure of the acidity or alkalinity in soils, defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the activity of hydronium ions (H+) in a CaCl2 solution, as specified in the analytical method descriptions. WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - pH KCl N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    A measure of the acidity or alkalinity in soils, defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the activity of hydronium ions (H+) in a KCl solution, as specified in the analytical method descriptions. WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • Soil and Terrain Database (SOTER) for South Africa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    The Soil and Terrain database for South Africa primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER_South_Africa), was compiled of enhanced soil information within the framework of the FAO's program Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA). Primary soil and terrain data for South Africa were obtained from the SOTERSAF database (ver. 1) at scale...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • ISRIC Soil Data hub N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    The ISRIC – World Soil Information Soil Data Hub is a central location for searching and downloading soil data from around the world. ISRIC, is a regular member of the International Science Council (ISC) World Data System. We support Open Data whenever possible, respecting inherited rights (licences). We make our own soil information products available...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Phosphorus (P) - retention N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Retention measured according to the New Zealand method (g/100g). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created November 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Water retention volumetric - 1500 kPa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Soil moisture content by volume, at tension 1500 kPa (pF 4.2) (cm³/100cm³). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Electrical conductivity - ratio 1:2.5 N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Ability of a 1:2.5 soil water extract to conduct electrical current (dS/m). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024
  • WoSIS latest - Bulk density fine earth - 33 kPa N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    FDRE - Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
    Bulk density of the fine earth fraction*, equilibrated at 33 kPa (kg/dm³). WoSIS_latest is a 'dynamic dataset' that contains the most recent complement of quality-assessed and standardised soil data served from WoSIS (ISRIC World Soil Information Service). The source data were shared by a wide range of data providers (see:...
    Created October 25, 2023 Updated April 17, 2024