Total Nitrogen

Total Nitrogen (%): Primary macronutrient that helps foliage to grow strong, affects the plant’s leaf development. It also gives plants their green color due to its assistance with chlorophyll production. The data generated by MoA-ATI (EthioSIS Project) using thousands of field-lab data and satellite data (Covariates) as an input in machine learning models.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated March 5, 2025, 20:15 (UTC)
Created October 24, 2024, 07:16 (UTC)
bbox-east-long 15.0553
bbox-north-lat 48.54505
bbox-south-lat 32.90833
bbox-west-long 3.12434
frequency OP_DATPRO
geographical_name {ETH}
geonode_author Admin
geonode_owner Admin
geonode_poc Admin
geonode_purpose <p>Soil health and fertility status mapping and fertilizer recommendations</p>
geonode_suppinfo <p>No information provided</p>
geonode_uuid 99c6f2e4-b365-42f1-99da-4620285c9ea6
guid 99c6f2e4-b365-42f1-99da-4620285c9ea6
harvest_object_id 3a0c6ffd-01d9-4c56-bec5-86ddef85dc28
harvest_source_id 703fc849-160f-42f8-9847-5a2c1ab747ec
harvest_source_title Nsis Geonode Catalogue
identifier 99c6f2e4-b365-42f1-99da-4620285c9ea6
is_vector false
issued 2019-08-17
language ENG
modified 2023-11-28
publication_date 2019-08-17
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[3.12434, 32.90833], [15.0553, 32.90833], [15.0553, 48.54505], [3.12434, 48.54505], [3.12434, 32.90833]]]}
spatial-reference-system EPSG:4326
themes_aggregate []