Extractable Boron
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Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | March 5, 2025, 20:15 (UTC) |
Created | October 24, 2024, 07:16 (UTC) |
bbox-east-long | 15.055300935801444 |
bbox-north-lat | 48.54505143387796 |
bbox-south-lat | 32.90833276889625 |
bbox-west-long | 3.124341803686105 |
frequency | OP_DATPRO |
geographical_name | {ETH} |
geonode_author | Admin |
geonode_owner | Admin |
geonode_poc | Admin |
geonode_purpose | <p>Soil health and fertility status mapping and fertilizer recommendations</p> |
geonode_suppinfo | <p>No information provided</p> |
geonode_uuid | 37fc8d5a-41fc-42f1-9c2e-9e2ad12189d8 |
graphic-preview-file | https://nsis.moa.gov.et/uploaded/thumbs/layer-37fc8d5a-41fc-42f1-9c2e-9e2ad12189d8-thumb-01b5fece-adb6-426b-9f8a-30861cdfc99b.png |
guid | 37fc8d5a-41fc-42f1-9c2e-9e2ad12189d8 |
harvest_object_id | d18d1ee1-4642-4c7a-99ed-62eff96b8137 |
harvest_source_id | 703fc849-160f-42f8-9847-5a2c1ab747ec |
harvest_source_title | Nsis Geonode Catalogue |
identifier | 37fc8d5a-41fc-42f1-9c2e-9e2ad12189d8 |
is_vector | false |
issued | 2019-08-17 |
language | ENG |
modified | 2023-11-28 |
publication_date | 2019-08-17 |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[3.124341803686105, 32.90833276889625], [15.055300935801444, 32.90833276889625], [15.055300935801444, 48.54505143387796], [3.124341803686105, 48.54505143387796], [3.124341803686105, 32.90833276889625]]]} |
spatial-reference-system | EPSG:4326 |
themes_aggregate | [] |