This soil organic carbon dataset contains the following maps: soil organic carbon concentration (%) for the 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm and 0-30 cm soil layers, and bulk density (kg/m3) and soil organic carbon stock (kg/m2) for the 0-30 cm layer.
These maps were produced with (geostatistical) regression-kriging models that combined soil data from the NAFORMA survey, the Tanzania National Soil Survey and the African Soil Profiles Database Version 1.1 with a suite of environmental GIS data layers including a land cover map, SOTER soil class map, maps of topographic attributes derived from the SRTM-DEM, maps of surface reflectance and vegetation indices derived from satellite imagery. The regression-kriging models were used to predict carbon concentrations, stocks and bulk density at the nodes of a regular grid with 250 meter cell size covering the Tanzania. Prediction uncertainty was quantified and is available with the data as the lower and upper boundary of the 90% prediction interval. Further details about the input data, modelling framework, and cross validation results are provided in a peer-reviewed, scientific journal article.
The project was funded by the UN-REDD Programme Output 2.4 “National Maps inform delivery of the REDD+ Framework” and conducted through a letter of Agreement between Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and ISRIC-World Soil Information. The maps were produced by ISRIC - World Soil Information in a collaborative effort with the National Soil Survey, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania Forest Services, Sokoine University, and the AfSIS project.