In this study 220 urban consumers of Eldoret were asked i) about socioeconomic characteristics and nutritional knowledge, ii) evaluate five flours with two preparations using affective tests, iii) to provide willingness-to-pay for the five flours using with experimental auctions. The data contain a set for each of the three objectives. The first data set contains ID number and socioeconomic information of the participants, with one line per person (N = 220). The second data set contains the results of the affective tests. Five flours were used in the affected test: sifted conventional maize flour, sifted mixed (maize and sorghum flour) conventional flour, instant sifted mixed flour, instant whole mixed flour, and instant sifted mixed flour with food-to-food fortification. From each of the flours, two products were prepared: ugali (stiff porridge) or uji (liquid porridge). All participants were asked to evaluate the 5 x 2 = 10 preparations on five traits: appearance, texture in hand, aroma, texture in mouth, taste, and overall. The results are presented in one line per participant per product (220 x 5 = 1100 lines), with the results for ugali and uji in different columns. The third data set contains the WTP, elicited through an experimental auction using BDM, for the five flours. Participants were split into three information treatments: A1: WTP without information, A2: repeat WTP now with information, B: information from the start, each with 110 participants, so in total 3 treatments x 110 x 5 products = 1650 observations.