Assessment of the status of human-induced soil degradation in south and Southeast Asia (ASSOD)
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | October 25, 2023, 14:17 (UTC) |
Created | October 25, 2023, 14:17 (UTC) |
access_constraints | [] |
bbox-east-long | 149.1 |
bbox-north-lat | 48.2 |
bbox-south-lat | -11.1 |
bbox-west-long | 70.0 |
contact-email | |
coupled-resource | [] |
dataset-reference-date | [{"type": "publication", "value": "1997-02-01"}] |
frequency-of-update | |
graphic-preview-file | |
guid | 3120844a-f73c-4bf2-b522-32f73a85d669 |
harvest_object_id | 42fd6622-9b69-40be-89ba-be7ad8b135da |
harvest_source_id | 0ac93d1f-9648-4157-af46-766b49f28e1c |
harvest_source_title | ISRIC Soil Data |
licence | [] |
lineage | 1) ASSOD 1997. The Assessment of the Status of Human-induced Soil Degradation in South and Southeast Asia (Van Lynden, G.W.J. and L.R., Oldeman (ed.)), UNEP, FAO, ISRIC, Wageningen 2) van Lynden GWJ and Oldeman LR 1997. The assessment of the status of human-induced soil degradation in South and South-East Asia, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC), Wageningen, 3) Oldeman LR and van Lynden GWJ 2001. Linking methodologies for assessing land resources, their problems and possible solutions at small scales. In: Bridges EM, ID Hannam, LR Oldeman, FWTd Penning de Vries, SJ Scherr and S Sombatpanit (editors), Response to land degradation. Science Publishers Inc., Enfield (NH), pp 223-236 4) Oldeman LR, Hakkeling RTA and Sombroek WG 1991. World Map of the Status of Human-Induced Soil Degradation: An explanatory Note (rev. ed.), UNEP and ISRIC, Wageningen, |
metadata-date | 2021-07-14T11:51:54 |
metadata-language | eng |
progress | Completed |
resource-type | dataset |
responsible-party | [{"name": "ISRIC - World Soil Information", "roles": ["Author"]}] |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[70.0, -11.1], [149.1, -11.1], [149.1, 48.2], [70.0, 48.2], [70.0, -11.1]]]} |
spatial-data-service-type | |
spatial-reference-system | 4326 |
spatial_harvester | true |
temporal-extent-begin | 1995-01-01 |
temporal-extent-end | 1997-02-01 |