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1,901 datasets found
Combining Ability of Lowland Adapted Ethiopian Sorghum Hybrids for Yield N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)This study was conducted with the objective to assess the performances of hybrids developed from early and medium maturing lowland adapted Ethiopian sorghum inbred lines. A total of 95 hybrids and three checks were tested using alpha lettuce design with two replications at Meiso and Sheraro. All agronomic practices were done on time as recommended. Based...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Time of Haricot Bean Intercropping into the Maize- Based Cropping Systems und... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Field experiments were conducted at Welenchity experimental field site, Melkassa Agricultural Research Center from June to October during the years 2010 and 2011 cropping seasons. The aim of the study was to determine optimum time of intercropping haricot bean into the maize based cropping system under conservation tillage practices, Tied-ridge and...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Response of organic and inorganic fertilizer on MB yield N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)3 yrs dataCreated August 7, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Exploring Optimum Crop Management Practices for Closing Yield Gaps using Crop... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)The use of crop models as decision support tools for exploring the consequences of various management decision options that interact with weather and soil factors are limited in Ethiopia. This study aimed to apply crop simulation CROPGRO-faba bean model in determining site-specific crop management practices to close the yield gaps. A total of 432...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Vermicompost Application as Affected by Rhizobium Inoculation on Nodulation a... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)The effect of vermicompost on the effectiveness of Rhizobium inoculation on nodulation, yield and yield traits of fava bean at Haramaya, eastern Ethiopia, was investigated. Ten treatments were made by afactorial combination of five levels of vermicompost (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 ton ha-1) and two levels of Rhizobium inoculation (inoculated anduninoculated. The...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Milk Yield and Quality of Crossbred Dairy Cows Fed with Different Levels of V... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)This study was conducted to examine the effect of different levels of vetch hay (Vicia dasycarpa) supplementation on feed intake, milk yield and milk composition of 50:50 Boran-Freisian crossbred dairy cows fed a basal diet of Napier grass (Penissetium purpureum). Five crossbred dairy cows at an early stage of lactation with average milk yield of 6 – 8...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Restriction Site Associated DNA Sequencing based Single Nucleotide Polymorphi... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Genome-wide knowledge about the nature and extent of genetic diversity present in tef (Eragrostis tef), the most consumed food grain in Ethiopia is limited. Adopting next generation sequencing (NGS) protocols to enhance its genomics and breeding is essential. Here, we applied the Restriction Site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing protocol and surveyed the...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Rice Mechanization N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Mechanization is very critical operation for rice production.Created August 7, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
MARC Sorghum OPRA 2014 N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Sorghum Measso dataCreated August 7, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Influence of Inter-Intra Row Spacing on Yield Losses of Tomato Cultivars N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Field experiment was carried out at Melkassa Agricultural Research Center in 2012 and 2013 off-seasons using furrow irrigation with the objectives of evaluating the effect of four inter-row spacings (70, 80, 90, and 100 cm) and three intra-row spacing (20, 30 and 40 cm) on yield losses of tomato growing under open field production with fresh market...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Genetic Diversity of Ethiopian Cowpea [ Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp] Genotypes... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Cowpea is a mult purpose pulse crop grown by poor farmers in marginal and drought prone areas of Ethiopia. Information on the extent of genetic variation in cowpea genotypes is crucial to identify diverse genotypes for crop improvement and for efficient utilization of the existing genetic resources. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to assess...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Effect of Deficit Irrigation Levels at Different Growth Stages on Yield and W... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)The scarcity of water is the most severe constraint for the development of agriculture in arid and semi-arid areas. Under such conditions, the need to use the available water economically and efficiently is unquestionable. The important strategy for increasing water productivity and improving water use efficiency in the area of water scarcity was deficit...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
System Productivity and Yield of Component Crops as Affected by Intercropping... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Selection of maize and legumes variety selection in Ethiopia target only sole cropping system without considering the relative performance of varieties of varying morphologies under maize/legume intercropping. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of intercropping maize and common bean varieties with different morphologies on yield and...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Comparative Study of Production and Reproductive Performance of Various Strai... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Five Parent Stocks (PS) bred by European companies, and one local PS, were evaluated for their production and reproductive performance under typical conditions in Ethiopia. The PSs were Dominant red Barred (DR), Dominant Sussex (DS), Koekoek (KK), Lohmann Brown (LB) Lohmann-Dual (LD), and reared in floor pens up to 60 weeks of age, were evaluated for feed...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Wheat response to Urea stable N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Raw data for response wheat to Urea stable fertilizerCreated August 7, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
The Effect of Dietary Inclusion of Mango (Magnifera indica L.) Fruit Waste on... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Animal response trials aimed at investigating the effect of different levels of mango fruit waste (MFW) on growth performance and carcass characteristics of Cobb-500 broiler chickens were carried out. One-hundred sixty day-old chicks with similar body weight were randomly distributed to four treatment diets each with four replications. The four treatments...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Cost of Production of Coffee in Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)The main objective of this study was to provide detail information on production costs and gross profits of coffee production under smallholder farmers. The study was conducted at four districts of Jimma zone namely Limu Kosa, Gomma, Manna and Gumay Districts. A total of 110 coffee plots from 90 coffee producing households were selected for this study....Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Production, Preservation, and Utilization Patterns of Brewery Spent Grain in ... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)The study was conducted at Sebeta and Bedele towns in Oromia regional state and at Debre-Berhan town in Amhara regional state during October-January 2016/17. The objectives of the study were; to assess the current feed byproduct production potentials of the breweries, existing storage conditions and the status of brewery spent grain utilization by...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Effect of Zinc Containing Fertilizers on Yield and Grain Quality of Tef [(Era... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Zinc is an essential micronutrient for crop growth and human diet. Its deficiency is widespread in soils of Tigray Region. To evaluate the effects of Zn fertilizers on yield and quality of tef in ten Zn deficient soils of Tigray, greenhouse experiment composed of five treatments in a completely randomized design with three replications were conducted....Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023 -
Evaluation of Sorghum for Salt Stress Tolerance Using Different Stages as Scr... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)Salinity is one of the major environmental problem that lead to deterioration of agricultural land and, as a result, to reduction in crop productivity. Evaluation of sorghum varieties/lines for salt tolerance were conducted with the objectives to evaluate and identify salinity stress tolerance and to determine the effect of salinity at different levels of...Created March 18, 2023 • Updated December 30, 2023
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