Facilitating the widespread adoption of conservation agriculture in maize-based systems in Zambia

On-farm demonstration plots were set in Zambia to demonstrate the effects of conservation agriculture (CA) technologies as compared to the traditional farmers practice (ploughing with a mouldboard plough). The CA treatments included basins (BA), ripping (RI) and direct seeding with a direct seeder (DS) and direct seeding with a jab planter (JP). Also superimposed to the treatments are rotations and intercropping of maize with a grain legume (either soyabean or cowpea) and these are compared with continuous maize planting. The study is carried out in various communities of Zambia. Thus, the data set presents yields for maize and the legumes from these sites over 9 seasons (2006-2015).

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Field Value
Author Thierfelder, Christian
Maintainer CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network
Last Updated January 20, 2025, 16:43 (UTC)
Created January 20, 2025, 16:43 (UTC)
creator Thierfelder, Christian
date 2016-12-08T00:00:00
harvest_object_id afa68e1e-efd2-4713-a6f5-07a04a1c639e
harvest_source_id a58b0729-e941-4389-816d-5823f01c0d28
harvest_source_title CIMMYT Research Data
identifier https://hdl.handle.net/11529/10825
language English
metadata_modified 2024-10-26T07:00:03
set_spec cimmytdatadvn