27th Semi-Arid Wheat Screening Nursery

The Semi-Arid Wheat Screening Nursery (SAWSN) is a single replicate trial that contains diverse spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to low rainfall, drought prone, semi-arid environments typically receiving less than 500 mm of water available during the cropping cycle. CIMMYT's breeding approach attempts to combine high yield potential with drought resistance for ME4. The combination of water-use efficiency and water responsive traits plus yield potential is important in drought environments where rainfall is frequently erratic across years. When rains are significantly above average in certain years, the crop must respond appropriately (water responsive) with higher yields, while expressing resistance to the wider suite of diseases that appear under more favorable conditions. Constrains including leaf, stem and yellow rusts, and Septoria spp., Fusarium spp., Pyrenophora tritici-repentis tan spot, nematodes and root rots must be considered. It is distributed to 120 locations, and contains 150-250 entries.

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Field Value
Author Global Wheat Program, IWIN Collaborators, Singh, Ravi, Payne, Thomas
Maintainer CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network
Last Updated January 20, 2025, 16:42 (UTC)
Created January 20, 2025, 16:42 (UTC)
contributor Rodriguez, Araceli
creator Global Wheat Program
date 2017-01-12T00:00:00
harvest_object_id f8fbdffd-347c-444c-a822-9b416f698e13
harvest_source_id a58b0729-e941-4389-816d-5823f01c0d28
harvest_source_title CIMMYT Research Data
identifier https://hdl.handle.net/11529/10804
language English
metadata_modified 2024-10-26T07:00:02
set_spec cimmytdatadvn