A field study was framed in rice crop under conservation agriculture (CA) based rice-wheat system at experimental
farm of Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA)-CIMMYT, Ladhowal, Punjab, India during kharif 2019. In the
present study, nine treatments were imposed out of which four are CA-based treatments (ZT-N0, ZT-N50, ZT-N75
and ZT-N100), four are CA coupled with subsurface drip fertigation (CA+) based treatments (SSD-N0,SSD-N50,
SSD-N75 and SSD-N100) and puddled transplanted rice (PTR) treatment as farmer’s practice. The findings of the
study showed that PTR treatment out yielded in terms of yield attributing characters and biological yield than other
treatments. CA+ treatment (SSD-N100) resulted higher biological yield (2.8%) than CA-based treatments (ZT-N100).
SSD-N100 dominated ZT-N100 and PTR treatment in terms of plant N content (both grain and straw), total N uptake
and N harvest index. PTR treatment resulted 22-33% higher ANUE than ZT-N100 and SSD-N100 treatments.