Abstract: Earthworms (EWs) could be a viable indicator of soil biology and agri-food system management.
The influence of climate-smart agriculture (CSA)-based sustainable intensification practices
(zero tillage, crop rotations, crop residue retention, and precision water and nutrients application)
on earthworms’ (EWs) populations and soil physico-biochemical properties of rice-wheat cropping
system in the Indo-Gangetic plains of South Asia was investigated. This study investigates the effect
of 10-years adoption of various CSA practices on the abundance of earthworms and physical and
biochemical properties of the soil and EWs’ casts (EWC). Five scenarios (Sc) were included: conventionally
managed rice-wheat system (farmers’ practices, Sc1), CSA-based rice-wheat-mungbean
system with flood irrigation (FI) (Sc2) and subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) (Sc3), CSA-based maizewheat-
mungbean system with FI (Sc4), and SDI (Sc5). Results revealed that EWs were absent under
Sc1, while the 10-year adoption of CSA-based scenarios (mean of Sc2–5) increased EWs’ density
and biomass to be 257.7 no. m2 and 36.05 g m2, respectively. CSA-based maize scenarios (Sc4
and Sc5) attained higher EWs’ density and biomass over rice-based CSA scenarios (Sc2 and Sc4).
Also, SDI-based scenarios (Sc3 and Sc5) recorded higher EWs’ density and biomass over FI (Sc2
and Sc4). Maize-based CSA with SDI recorded the highest EWs’ density and EWs’ biomass. The
higher total organic carbon in EWC (1.91%) than in the bulk soil of CSA-based scenarios (0.98%) and
farmers’ practices (0.65%) suggests the shift of crop residue to a stable SOC (in EWC). EWC contained
significant amounts of C and available NPK under CSA practices, which were nil under Sc1. All
CSA-based scenarios attained higher enzymes activities over Sc1. CSA-based scenarios, in particular,
maize-based scenarios using SDI, improved EWs’ proliferation, SOC, and nutrients storage (in soil
and EWC) and showed a better choice for the IGP farmers with respect to C sequestration, soil quality,
and nutrient availability.