Description The datasheet describes a multi-location trial in 4 countries which test the effect of different CA on maize and legume grain yield.
Objectives: - To evaluate the effects of the various components of CA systems on crop productivity and the interactions between these components. - To stimulate the adaptation of CA related technologies to farmers’ possibilities and priorities, and through this to stimulate farmer experimentation wit CA.
Locality: Domboshawa Training Centre (DTC), Zimbabwe; University Farm (UZ), Zimbabwe; Monze Farmer training Centre (MFTC), Zambia, Msekera Research Station (MRS), Zambia, Misamfu Research Station (MiRS), Zambia; Ntengo Umozi Mozambique (NUS), Sussundenga Research Station (SRS), Mozambique; Liselo Research Station (LRS).
Treatments: T1. Conventional tillage (CP) T2. Conventional tillage, mulch (CP-M) T3. Conventional tillage, rotation (CP-R) T4. Conventional tillage, mulch and rotation (CP-MR) T5. No-tillage (NT) T6. No-tillage, mulch (NT-M) T7. No-tillage, rotation (NT-R) T8. No-tillage, mulch and rotation (NT-MR)