CIMMYT Climate Data: MASAGRO Meteorological Station at Centro Experimental Iguala INIFAP

CIMMYT has Meteorological Records for each station office in Mexico. Many variables of weather are measured per day (rawdata) from wh​​ich daily, monthly and yearly sumaries are generated.​ These climate variables are measured by meteorological station and some of them are shown daily or hourly. Some of those variables are: Temperature, Rainfall, Solar Radiation, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Evapotranspiration. These files include climate data from 2012 to 2013.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Geographic Information Systems Unit of CIMMYT
Maintainer CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network
Last Updated January 20, 2025, 15:23 (UTC)
Created January 20, 2025, 15:23 (UTC)
contributor Garza Sánchez, Enrique
creator Geographic Information Systems Unit of CIMMYT
date 2018-06-22T00:00:00
harvest_object_id ce4834f3-deee-4b08-9587-6856223b00f4
harvest_source_id a58b0729-e941-4389-816d-5823f01c0d28
harvest_source_title CIMMYT Research Data
language English
metadata_modified 2024-10-26T07:00:03
set_spec cimmytdatadvn