Thoughts on Governance and Future Orientation of Agricultural Research in Ethiopia

Agriculture needs to be more efficient and productive to provide more food and feed with less environmental damage to which agricultural research has a lot to offer by designing a broader research agenda. This calls for overhauling the research system towards creating a seamless coordination mechanism, assigning adequate work force, and improving physical and financial capacities. As a federated country and for its diverse agro-ecologies and socio-economic settings, decentralized research system is feasible option for Ethiopia. This, however, needs a strong coordination mechanism, lest the research institutions tend to fragment into a number of isolated entities. To this end, the National Agricultural Research Council needs to re-define NARS entities, differentiate their roles, and ensure effective coordination through creating avant-garde Centers of Excellences. The country’s future research needs to embrace modern biosciences, and alongside of technology adaptation it should generate technologies and ensure technology security, and subsequently technology export. In terms of funding, research in its own right should receive a core budgetary allocation from the federal parliamentary appropriation while competitive funding scheme is also important. A well-planned staff development and succession plan is essential to strengthen the research work force. Besides, re-hiring out-gone researchers, and seconding researchers to veteran scientists at national and international research excellence centers would be helpful. Staff motivation and commitment is also vital. Staff recruitment modality needs to change as well. All in all, the country’s agricultural research system needs to be reinforced to help sustaining productivity, food security, competitiveness and profitability of the agricultural sector.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Mengistu Fentahun
Maintainer EIAR
Last Updated December 30, 2023, 20:29 (UTC)
Created March 18, 2023, 12:50 (UTC)
contributor Getachew, Meron
creator Mengistu Fentahun
date 2023-01-05T00:00:00
harvest_object_id c3f8e86d-5cec-46e3-b096-345b18b863e3
harvest_source_id b7467cdf-8775-49cd-b162-b68283e0d13b
harvest_source_title EIAR Open Research Data
metadata_modified 2023-01-06T07:00:00