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  • Response of blended fertilizers on yield and yield component of food barley N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    To decide the optimum rate of blended fertilizers
    Created August 7, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Irrigation Water Quality in Zeway, Ketar, an... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Scarcity of information apprehending the current situation and spatial variation of water quality has limited our understanding on to what extent the current intensive human activities in the Central Rift Valley are affecting the natural resource base. This study investigated hydrochemistry, spatial and temporal quality variation of water from different...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Superovulation Response and In vivo Embryo Production Potential of Boran Cows... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Boran (n=25) and BoranHolstein (n=11) cows were superovullatedFSH with three doses level (300, 250 and 200IU) divided in to morning and afternoon decreasing doses over 4 daysto study the superovulatory response and embryo production potential. Time to estrus, duration of estrus, and CL count were used to determine superovulatory response. Embryos were...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Blended fertilizer rate N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    blended fertilizer rate
    Created August 7, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • GIZ_ Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM)_crop response dataset N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Although soil and agronomy data collection in Ethiopia has begun over 60 years ago, the data are hardly accessible as they are scattered across different organizations, mostly held in the hands of individuals (Ashenafi et al.,2020; Tamene et al.,2022), which makes them vulnerable to permanent loss. Cognizant of the problem, the Coalition of the Willing...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Assessment of the Impacts of Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Control Activities in ... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    African Animal Trypanosomosis is the major constraint of livestock production in tsetse infested areas of Ethiopia and is the major challenge in Dawuro zone. Various interventions have been applied to control the disease in tsetse infested areas. However, there is a shortage of information on the impacts of these control methods. A cross-sectional study...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Genetic Variations in CIMMYT and Ethiopian Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines a... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Molecular markers are more useful in identifying parental inbred lines crosses of which create genetic variation among progenies in the advanced generation more realistically than selection based on phenotypic data. In this study, 37 maize inbred lines including 14 of Ethiopian and 23 of CIMMYT origin were studied using 28 microsatellite markers. Among...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Premises of Agricultural Biotechnology in Ethiopia N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Biotechnology is one of the sectors with significant contribution in modernizing agriculture. Developed nations have been using biotechnology in the areas of health, agriculture, industry and environment. It has tremendous potential in better responding to emerging agricultural problems. Ethiopia has started research in agricultural biotechnology a few...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Effect of Blended Fertilizer on Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Economy of Maize (... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Background and Objective: Soil fertility depletion and soil acidity are critical problems for maize (Zea mays L.) production in westernEthiopia. Because of this, a field experiment was conducted on acidic Nitisols of the Assosa area to investigate the response of maize todifferent blended fertilizer rates and types. Materials and Methods: The treatments...
    Created August 7, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Effect of Planting Methods on Maturity and Yield of Onion (Allium cepa var ce... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Onion dry bulb are commonly established in the field either by direct sowing of seeds to the field, or by transplanting seedling from seedbed or from sets depending on the growing conditions of the specific region. However, the potential of the different methods have not been tested particularly in the potential onion producing areas of Ethiopia. Field...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Evaluation of Oats (Avena sativa) Genotypes for Seed Yield and Yield Componen... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    The field experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications to evaluate the seed yield performance of fourteen oat varieties at Ezo Ote during the main cropping seasons of 2016 and 2017. Varieties in the trial were ILRI-5431A, ILRI-5444A, ILRI-5490A, ILRI-5499A, ILRI-5526A, ILRI-5527A, ILRI-15152A, ILRI-15153A,...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Evaluation of Maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes for Forage Biomass Yield and Nutr... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    A study was conducted to evaluate maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes for their forage dry matter yield and nutritive value at Holetta and Adaberga forage research stations of Holetta Agricultural Research Centre. Genotypes were tested in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The study was conducted in two sets; the first set consisted of...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Parthenium Weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) Research in Ethiopia: Investiga... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Parthenium is an exotic invasive weed that now occurs widely in Ethiopia. Surveys to determine the presence and distribution of pathogens associated with parthenium and further evaluation of the pathogens found as potential biocontrol agents were carried out in Ethiopia since 1998. Several fungal isolates of the genus Helminthosporium, Phumla, Curvularia,...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Effect of Soil Incorporated Pruned Pigeon pea and Nitrogen on System Producti... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Decline of return in maize monoculture requires amendment of nutrients removed from the soil through retention of biomass on the soil with some addition of inorganic fertilizers. This study was executed for three consecutive years (2013-2015)to evaluate the effect of pruning levels while leaving the upper (0, 2, 4 and 6) parts of perennial pigeon pea and...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Welmera woreda MPN Files N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Welmera woreda MPN Files
    Created August 7, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Tef (Eragr... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive cropping seasons (2013-2014) on farmers’ fields in Dendi district of Oromiya Regional State. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of tef and soil chemical properties. The treatments included eleven selected combinations of...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Irrigation scheduling of onion N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    To avoid over or under irrigation, it is important to know how much water is available to the plant, and how efficiently the crop can use it which mean irrigation scheduling. The study was conducted to evaluate the response of Onion to irrigation regime and determination of water use efficiency. The experiment had five treatments which were soil moisture...
    Created August 7, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Evaluation of K liquid fertilizer on tuber and yield of potato under irrigati... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    to evaluate K liquid on tuber and yield of potato
    Created August 7, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • National P-Calibration dataset_2001 to 2006 N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    Although soil and agronomy data collection in Ethiopia has begun over 60 years ago, the data are hardly accessible as they are scattered across different organizations, mostly held in the hands of individuals (Ashenafi et al.,2020; Tamene et al.,2022), which makes them vulnerable to permanent loss. Cognizant of the problem, the Coalition of the Willing...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023
  • Genetic Variability and Relationship of Camel (Camelus dromedarius) Populatio... N3 | TTL | RDF/XML | JSON-LD

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    This study was carried out to assess the genetic diversities and population structure of six camel populations of Ethiopia. Blood samples were collected from 114 camels (17-24 per population) and genotyped using10 camel microsatellite marker loci. The result revealed high genetic diversities in Ethiopian camel populations with average observed and...
    Created March 18, 2023 Updated December 30, 2023